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Kinesiologia ; 43(1)20240315.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552600


Introducción. Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) en Chile corresponden a la segunda causa de muerte en menores de 1 año, requiriendo cirugías paliativas y/o correctivas el 65% de estas. En el post operatorio frecuentemente se utiliza ventilación mecánica invasiva (VM) y succión endotraqueal (SET) para remover secreciones. Sin embargo, la kinesiología respiratoria (KTR) ha mostrado mejoras significativas en la distensibilidad toracopulmonar (Cest) y resistencia de vía aérea (Rva) en otros grupos de usuarios pediátricos y adultos en VM. Objetivo. Comparar los cambios en la Cest y Rva en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita (CCC) sometidos a KTR versus SET exclusiva. Métodos. Revisión sistemática de estudios publicados en bases de datos PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo y Google Scholar que comparan el uso de KTR ó SET sobre los cambios en mecánica ventilatoria en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita, limitados a inglés, español y portugués, excluyendo a sujetos con traqueostomía o con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea. Se utilizó guía PRISMA para la selección de artículos. Se revisaron 397 artículos y se seleccionó 1 artículo extra de los artículos sugeridos. Se eliminó 1 artículo por duplicidad. Por títulos y resúmenes se seleccionaron 2 artículos, los cuales al leer el texto completo fueron retirados debido a que la población no correspondía a cardiópatas. Resultados. El final de artículos seleccionados fue de 0 artículos, debido a lo cual se removió el operador Booleano "NOT", y se removió la población de cardiopatías. De este modo quedaron 2 artículos seleccionados para la revisión cualitativa final donde se compara KTR versus SET, y KTR en kinesiólogos especialistas y no especialistas, mostrando ambos aumento en la Cest y disminución de la Rva a favor de la KTR, hasta los 30 minutos post intervención. Conclusiones. No se encontraron artículos que demuestren cambios en Cest y Rva con el uso de KTR + SET versus SET exclusiva, en usuarios pediátricos ventilados posterior a CCC. Con la remoción de filtros seleccionamos 2 artículos que demuestran aumento de Cest y disminución de Rva en sujetos pediátricos en VM, uno comparando con SET, y por grupos de especialistas y no especialistas en respiratorio. Se sugieren estudios primarios para evaluar los efectos de esta intervención en esta población.

Introduction. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are the second general cause for children death under 1 year. In Chile, approximately 65% CHD need surgery, could was palliative or corrective. In the postoperative period, invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) is frequently used as a life support method, but it is associated with complications. Tracheal suction (SET) is regularly used to remove secretions; however, respiratory chest physiotherapy (KTR) has shown significant improvements in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in other groups of pediatrics and adult's users in MV. Objetive. to compare changes in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in pediatric subjects under mechanical ventilation after congenital heart disease surgery comparing chest physiotherapy and exclusive tracheal suction. Methods. systematic review of studies published in PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo and Google Scholar databases who compares KTR or SET use on changes in ventilatory mechanics in pediatric users under MV after congenital heart disease surgery, limited to English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, excluding user with tracheostomy or extracorporeal membrane of oxygenation. It was use the PRISMA guide to articles selection. A search was carried out, with a total of 397 articles reviewed (English: PubMed = 3, PeDro = 8, Scholar = 383; Spanish: Scholar = 3, Scielo = 0; and Portuguese: Scielo = 0). One extra article was selected from the suggested articles, and 1 article was eliminated due to duplication. By titles and abstracts, 2 articles were selected, but the population did not correspond to heart disease. Results. the final selected articles were 0 articles. By this reason, it were removed: Boolean operator "NOT", and congenital heart disease population. Thus, 2 articles were selected for the final qualitative review where it was compares KTR versus SET, and KTR by specialist and non-specialist. Both articles shown improvement in compliance and resistance until 30 minutes post intervention. The CC population was in a 40 to 60% range in both studies. Conclusions. it was no found articles that demonstrate changes in compliance and resistance in the airway with the use of KTR + SET versus exclusive SET in pediatric users after CCC connected to MV. After filter remotion, we found 2 studies shown improves in increase compliance and reduce resistance in pediatric user in MV, ones comparing with SET, and the other one comparing between specialists in respiratory pediatric physiotherapy and not specialists. It suggests to made primary clinical studies about this intervention in CC population.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 319-325, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532716


Introducción. El edema pulmonar por reexpansión es una complicación poco frecuente, secundaria a una rápida reexpansión pulmonar posterior al drenaje por toracentesis o toracostomía cerrada. Al día de hoy, se ha descrito una incidencia menor al 1 % tras toracostomía cerrada, con mayor prevalencia en la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su mecanismo fisiopatológico exacto es desconocido; se ha planteado un proceso multifactorial de daño intersticial pulmonar asociado con un desequilibrio de las fuerzas hidrostáticas. Caso clínico. Presentamos el caso de un paciente que desarrolló edema pulmonar por reexpansión posterior a toracostomía cerrada. Se hizo una revisión de la literatura sobre esta complicación. Resultados. Aunque la clínica sugiere el diagnóstico, la secuencia de imágenes desempeña un papel fundamental. En la mayoría de los casos suele ser autolimitado, por lo que su manejo es principalmente de soporte; sin embargo, se han reportado tasas de mortalidad que alcanzan hasta el 20 %, por tanto, es importante conocer los factores de riesgo y las medidas preventivas. Conclusión. El edema pulmonar de reexpansión posterior a toracostomía es una complicación rara en los casos con neumotórax, aunque es una complicación que se puede presentar en la práctica diaria, por lo cual debe tenerse en mente para poder hacer el diagnóstico y un manejo adecuado.

Introduction. Re-expansion pulmonary edema is a rare complication secondary to rapid pulmonary re-expansion after drainage by thoracentesis and/or closed thoracostomy. As of today, an incidence of less than 1% has been described after closed thoracostomy, with a higher prevalence in the second and third decades of life. Its exact pathophysiological mechanism is unknown; a multifactorial process of lung interstitial damage associated with an imbalance of hydrostatic forces has been proposed. Clinical case. We present the case of a patient who developed pulmonary edema due to re-expansion after closed thoracostomy, conducting a review of the literature on this complication. Results. Although the clinic suggests the diagnosis, the sequence of images plays a fundamental role. In most cases, it tends to be a self-limited disease, so its management is mainly supportive. However, mortality rates of up to 20% have been recorded. Therefore, it is important to identify patients with major risk factors and initiate preventive measures in these patients. Conclusions. Re-expansion pulmonary edema after thoracostomy is a rare complication in cases with pneumothorax; however, it is a complication that can occur in daily practice. Therefore, it must be kept in mind to be able to make the diagnosis and an adequate management.

Humans , Pneumothorax , Pulmonary Edema , Iatrogenic Disease , Postoperative Complications , Thoracostomy , Acute Lung Injury
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 12-17, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Article in English | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526676


El síndrome de Eisenmenger es la forma más severa de presentación de hipertensión arterial pulmonar secundaria a defectos cardíacos congénitos no reparados, aunque su prevalencia es baja, continúa siendo un reto para los sistemas de salud de los países en vías de desarrollo por su complejidad en el manejo. Presentación del caso. Paciente femenina sin antecedentes médicos conocidos quien consulta por disnea relacionada a los esfuerzos y policitemia. Intervención terapéutica. Se realiza ecocardiograma transesofágico que arroja la presencia de defecto interatrial tipo ostium secundum e hipertensión arterial pulmonar severa, con cortocircuito de derecha a izquierda, se inicia oxigenoterapia y terapia farmacológica. Evolución clínica. Paciente permaneció ingresada presentando notable mejora a la disnea, se le dio de alta con referencia a la clínica de cardiopatías congénitas del adulto en Hospital Nacional Rosales.

Eisenmenger syndrome is the most severe form of pulmonary arterial hypertension secondary to an unrepaired congenital heart disease. Despite the low prevalence, it remains a challenge for the public health service of developing countries due to the complexity of the treatment. Case presentation. A female patient without known medical history, who consults with dyspnea on exertion and polycythemia. Treatment. A transesophageal echocardiogram was performed, showing an ostium secundum atrial septal defect and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension with a right-left shunt. Supplemental oxygen was administrated and pharmacological treatment was started. Outcome. The patient presented remarkable clinical improvement to dyspnea, she was discharged with medical reference to the Adult Congenital Heart Disease clinic at Rosales National Hospital.

Humans , Female , Adult , El Salvador
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(2): e20230040, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533737


Resumo Fundamento: A associação de supressão solúvel da tumorigênese-2 (sST2) com prognóstico em embolia pulmonar (EP) é desconhecida. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a relação entre os níveis de sST2 em pacientes com EP aguda e mortalidade em 6 meses e hospitalizações recorrentes. Métodos: Este estudo prospectivo incluiu 100 pacientes com EP aguda. Os pacientes foram classificados em dois grupos de acordo com a mortalidade em 6 meses e a presença de hospitalizações recorrentes relacionadas a doenças cardiovasculares. Dois grupos foram comparados. Um valor de p de 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados: Os níveis de ST2 solúvel foram significativamente maiores no grupo com mortalidade e internações recorrentes. (138,6 ng/mL (56,7-236,8) vs. 38 ng/mL (26,3-75,4); p<0,001) O melhor limite de corte para níveis de sST2 na previsão de um desfecho composto de mortalidade em 6 meses e/ou a hospitalização recorrente relacionada a doenças cardiovasculares foi >89,9, com especificidade de 90,6% e sensibilidade de 65,2%, de acordo com a curva Receiver Operating Characteristic (área sob a curva = 0,798; IC 95%, 0,705-0,891; p <0,0001). Após ajuste para fatores de confusão que foram estatisticamente significativos na análise univariada ou para as variáveis correlacionadas com os níveis de sST2, nível de sST2 (OR = 1,019, IC 95%: 1,009-1,028, p 0,001) e proteína C reativa (PCR). (OR = 1,010, IC 95%: 1,001-1,021, p = 0,046) continuaram a ser preditores significativos de mortalidade em 6 meses e/ou hospitalização recorrente relacionada a doenças cardiovasculares no modelo de regressão logística múltipla através do método backward stepwise. Conclusões: O nível de ST2 solúvel parece ser um biomarcador para prever mortalidade em 6 meses e/ou hospitalização recorrente relacionada a doenças cardiovasculares em pacientes com EP aguda.

Abstract Background: The association of soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2 (sST2) levels with prognosis in pulmonary embolism (PE) is unknown. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between sST2 levels in patients with acute PE and 6-month mortality and recurrent hospitalizations. Methods: This prospective study included 100 patients with acute PE. Patients were classified into two groups according to 6-month mortality and the presence of recurrent Cardiovascular-Related hospitalizations. Two groups were compared. A p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Soluble ST2 levels were significantly higher in the group with mortality and recurrent hospitalizations. (138.6 ng/mL (56.7-236.8) vs. 38 ng/mL (26.3-75.4); p<0.001) The best cut-off threshold for sST2 levels in the prediction of a composite outcome of 6-month mortality and/or recurrent Cardiovascular-Related hospitalization was found to be >89.9 with a specificity of 90.6% and a sensitivity of 65.2%, according to the receiver operating characteristic curve (area under the curve = 0.798; 95% CI, 0.705-0.891; p <0.0001). After adjusting for confounding factors that were either statistically significant in the univariate analysis or for the variables correlated with the sST2 levels, sST2 level (OR = 1.019, 95% CI: 1.009-1.028, p 0.001) and C-reactive protein (CRP ) (OR = 1.010, 95% CI: 1.001-1.021, p = 0.046) continued to be significant predictors of 6-month mortality and/or recurrent Cardiovascular-Related hospitalization in the multiple logistic regression model via backward stepwise method. Conclusion: Soluble ST2 level seems to be a biomarker to predict 6-month mortality and/or recurrent Cardiovascular-Related hospitalization in patients with acute PE.

J. vasc. bras ; 23: e20230095, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534801


Resumo A embolia pulmonar (EP) é a terceira maior causa de morte cardiovascular e a principal de morte evitável intra-hospitalar no mundo. O conceito PERT® (do inglês, pulmonary embolism response team) envolve seu diagnóstico e tratamento precoce e multidisciplinar. A trombose venosa profunda (TVP) é a sua causa inicial na maioria dos casos e é responsável por complicações como a recidiva tromboembólica, a síndrome pós-trombótica e a hipertensão pulmonar tromboembólica crônica. Uma abordagem inicial semelhante ao PERT nos casos de TVP ilíaco-femoral grave pode reduzir não apenas o risco imediato de EP e morte, mas também suas sequelas tardias. Novas técnicas percutâneas e aparatos de trombectomia mecânica para o tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) vêm demonstrando resultados clínicos encorajadores. Propomos o desenvolvimento de um conceito ampliado de resposta rápida ao TEV, que envolve não apenas a EP (PERT®) mas também os casos graves de TVP: o time de resposta rápida para o TEV (TRETEV®), ou do inglês Venous Thromboembolism Response Team (VTERT®).

Abstract Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the third leading cause of cardiovascular death and the main cause of preventable in-hospital death in the world. The PERT® (Pulmonary Embolism Response Team) concept involves multidisciplinary diagnosis and immediate treatment. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is the initial cause of most cases of PE and is responsible for complications such as chronic thromboembolic recurrence, postthrombotic syndrome, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. An aggressive approach to severe cases of iliofemoral DVT similar to the PERT® system can not only reduce the immediate risk of PE and death but can also reduce later sequelae. New percutaneous techniques and mechanical thrombectomy devices for venous thromboembolism (VTE) have shown encouraging clinical results. We propose the development of an expanded concept of rapid response to VTE, which involves not only PE (PERT®) but also severe cases of DVT: the Venous Thromboembolism Response Team (VTERT®).

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(2): e20230762, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535098


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the thoracic and extra-thoracic extension of the disease in patients diagnosed with lung cancer and who had whole-body F18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/CT imaging and to investigate whether there is a relationship between tumor size and extrathoracic spread. METHODS: A total of 308 patients diagnosed with lung cancer were included in this study. These 308 patients were first classified as group 1 (SPN 30 mm>longest lesion diameter ≥10 mm) and group 2 (lung mass (longest lesion diameter ≥30 mm), and then the same patients were classified as group 3 (nodular diameter of ≤20 mm) and group 4 (nodular size of >20 mm). Group 1 was compared with group 2 in terms of extrathoracic metastases. Similarly, group 3 was compared with group 4 in terms of frequency of extrathoracic metastases. F18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/CT examination was used to detect liver, adrenal, bone, and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis, besides extrathoracic metastasis. RESULTS: Liver, bone, and extrathoracic metastasis in group 1 was statistically lower than in group 2 (p<0.001, p<0.01, and p=0.03, respectively). Liver, extrathoracic, adrenal, and bone metastasis in group 3 was statistically lower than that in group 4 (p<0.001, p=0.01, and p=0.04, p<0.01, respectively). The extrathoracic extension was observed in only one patient in group 3. In addition, liver, adrenal, and bone metastases were not observed in group 3 patients. CONCLUSION: Positron emission tomography/CT may be more appropriate for cases with a nodule diameter of ≤20 mm. Performing local imaging in patients with a nodule diameter of ≤20 mm could reduce radiation exposure and save radiopharmaceuticals used in positron emission tomography/CT imaging.

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(1): e20220165, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535530


ABSTRACT Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of respiratory muscle training during the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery on respiratory muscle strength, pulmonary function, functional capacity, and length of hospital stay. Methods: This is a systematic review and meta-analysis. A comprehensive search on PubMed®, Excerpta Medica Database (or Embase), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (or CINAHL), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (or LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (or SciELO), Physiotherapy Evidence Database (or PEDro), and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases was performed. A combination of free-text words and indexed terms referring to cardiac surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, respiratory muscle training, and clinical trials was used. A total of 792 studies were identified; after careful selection, six studies were evaluated. Results: The studies found significant improvement after inspiratory muscle training (IMT) (n = 165, 95% confidence interval [CI] 9.68, 21.99) and expiratory muscle training (EMT) (n = 135, 95% CI 8.59, 27.07) of maximal inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure, respectively. Also, IMT increased significantly (95% CI 19.59, 349.82, n = 85) the tidal volume. However, no differences were found in the peak expiratory flow, functional capacity, and length of hospital stay after EMT and IMT. Conclusion: IMT and EMT demonstrated efficacy in improving respiratory muscle strength during the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery. There was no evidence indicating the efficacy of IMT for pulmonary function and length of hospital stay and the efficacy of EMT for functional capacity.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550908


Introducción: El riesgo cardiovascular es importante en la evaluación de los pacientes con esclerosis sistémica. Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con esclerosis sistémica. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo en pacientes protocolizados del Servicio de Reumatología, en el período de enero 2020 a enero 2022. Se recogieron variables demográficas, clínicas, y se aplicó la calculadora de riesgo cardiovascular Framingham. Resultados: Se incluyeron 105 pacientes con edad media de 48,6 ± 15,3 años, el grupo más frecuente de 50 a 59 años (36,2 por ciento), predominó el sexo femenino 92,2 por ciento el color de piel blanca (74,3 por ciento), el tiempo de evolución fue mayor a 5 años (66,7 por ciento) con una media de 10,5 ± 9,3. El valor promedio de la escala de gravedad modificada de Medsger fue 5,1 ± 2,7 y el 72,4 por ciento con afectación leve. El fenómeno de Raynaud y la fibrosis pulmonar fueron más frecuentes con un 89,5 por ciento y 55,2 por ciento. El índice de Rodnan en promedio fue de 13,1 ± 8,0 y los reactantes de fase aguda normales en la mayoría. Los factores de riesgo cardiovascular más frecuentes fueron la HTA (30,2 por ciento) y dislipidemia (19,9 por ciento). El índice de masa corporal que predominó fue de peso adecuado (54,3 por ciento). Predominó el riesgo cardiovascular bajo según score de Framingham (86 por ciento). Existieron diferencias significativas entre las medias del tiempo de evolución y el riesgo cardiovascular (10 ± 6,9 frente a 9,6 ± 8,8 frente a 16,9 ± 10,8; p = 0,032). Conclusiones: El riesgo cardiovascular en los pacientes con esclerosis sistémica fue bajo(AU)

Introduction: Cardiovascular risk is important in the evaluation of patients with systemic sclerosis. Objective: To determine the cardiovascular risk in patients with systemic sclerosis. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out in protocolized patients of Rheumatology Service, from January 2020 to January 2022. Demographic and clinical variables were collected, and Framingham cardiovascular risk calculator was used. Results: One hundred five patients were included with a mean age of 48.6 ± 15.3 years, the most frequent group was 50 to 59 years (36.2percent), female sex (92.2percent) predominated, as well as white skin color (74.3percent). The evolution time was greater than 5 years (66.7percent) with a mean of 10.5 ± 9.3. The average value of modified Medsger severity scale was 5.1 ± 2.7 and 72.4percent had mild involvement. Raynaud's phenomenon and pulmonary fibrosis were more common at 89.5percent and 55.2percent. Rodnan index on average was 13.1 ± 8.0 and the acute phase reactants were normal in the majority. The most frequent cardiovascular risk factors were HBP (30.2percent) and dyslipidemia (19.9percent). The predominant body mass index was adequate weight (54.3percent). Low cardiovascular risk according to Framingham score prevailed (86percent). There were significant differences between the mean duration of evolution and cardiovascular risk (10 ± 6.9 vs. 9.6 ± 8.8 vs. 16.9 ± 10.8; p = 0.032). Conclusions: The cardiovascular risk in patients with systemic sclerosis was low(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pulmonary Fibrosis/epidemiology , Raynaud Disease/diagnosis , Scleroderma, Systemic/complications , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(1): 81-87, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528966


Abstract Objective To investigate the diagnostic efficacy of serum IL-33 single indicator and combined indicators for asthma in children. Methods 132 children were initially diagnosed with asthma during acute exacerbation and 100 healthy children were included. Serum IL-33 concentration differences were compared between asthmatic and normal children. Correlations between IL-33 with pulmonary function parameters, FeNO, peripheral blood EOS counts and serum total IgE were analyzed in asthmatic children. ROC curves were used to assess IL-33 diagnostic efficacy and its combined indicators. To prevent overfitting of the predictive model, the hold-out cross-validation method was used. Results (1) Serum IL-33 concentrations were significantly higher in children with asthma than in normal children (p < 0.001). (2) IL-33 concentration was negatively correlated with FVC z-score, FEV1 z-score and FEF75% z-score in asthmatic children (p < 0.05). (3) The area under the ROC curve of IL-33 was 0.821, which was higher than those of FeNO, FVC z-score, and FEV1 z-score. (4) Cross-validation of the combined indicators showed that IL-33 significantly improved asthma diagnostic efficacy. The combination of IL-33, FEF75% z-score, and FeNO showed the highest diagnostic efficacy, with the AUC, sensitivity, and specificity of the combined indicator being 0.954, 90.1%, and 89. 0%, respectively, and good extrapolation of the predictive model. Conclusion Serum IL-33 is higher in children with asthma and increases with the severity of pulmonary ventilation obstruction. A single indicator of serum IL-33 demonstrates moderate diagnostic accuracy, and its combination with FEF75% z-score and FeNO significantly improves the diagnostic accuracy in childhood asthma.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023032, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529486


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the rib cage expansion and respiratory rate in newborns using an abdominal stabilization band. Methods: The study included 32 newborns of both genders, with gestational age between 35 and 41 weeks. The abdominal stabilization band was used for 15 minutes between the xiphoid process and the anterosuperior iliac crest, with an abdominal contention 0.5cm smaller than the abdominal circumference. The rib cage expansion was evaluated by a breathing transducer (Pneumotrace II™) three minutes before using the band, during the use (15 minutes), and ten minutes after removing the band. The Shapiro-Wilk test verified data normality, and the Wilcoxon test compared the variables considering rib cage expansion and respiratory rate. Significance was set to p<0.05. Results: There was an increase in respiratory rate when comparing before and ten minutes after removing (p=0.008) the abdominal stabilization band, as well as when comparing during its use and ten minutes after its removal (p=0.001). There was also an increase in rib cage expansion when comparing before and during the use of the abdominal stabilization band (p=0.005). Conclusions: The use of the abdominal stabilization band promoted an increase in the rib cage expansion and respiratory rate in the assessed newborns and may be a viable option to improve the respiratory kinematics of this population.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a expansibilidade torácica e a frequência respiratória em recém-nascidos que fizeram uso de uma faixa de estabilização abdominal. Métodos: O estudo incluiu 32 recém-nascidos de ambos os sexos, com idade gestacional entre 35 e 41 semanas. A faixa de estabilização abdominal foi mantida por 15 minutos entre o processo xifoide e a espinha ilíaca anterossuperior, com contenção abdominal 0,5 cm menor do que a circunferência abdominal. A expansibilidade torácica foi avaliada por um transdutor piezoelétrico (Pneumotrace II™) 3 minutos antes do uso da faixa, durante 15 minutos, e 10 minutos após sua retirada. A normalidade das variáveis foi testada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk e a análise comparativa da expansibilidade torácica e da frequência respiratória foi realizada por meio do teste t pareado, considerando-se p<0,05. Resultados: Houve aumento da frequência respiratória quando comparados os tempos antes do uso da faixa e 10 minutos após a retirada (p=0,008), bem como quando comparados os tempos durante o uso e 10 minutos após a retirada da faixa (p=0,001). Houve aumento da expansibilidade torácica quando comparados os tempos antes e durante o uso da faixa (p=0,005). Conclusões: O uso da faixa de estabilização abdominal conferiu aumento da expansibilidade torácica e da frequência respiratória nos recém-nascidos estudados, podendo ser uma opção viável para a melhora da cinemática respiratória dessa população.

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 37: e20230129, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550295


Abstract We report the case of a patient with symptomatic pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with diffuse systemic sclerosis (SSc) whose initial assessment suggested a group 3 (clinical classification) PH. The patient had a history of drugs/toxins consumption, which contributed to the development of intrinsic pulmonary vascular disease. This changed the panorama towards the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), with important therapeutic and prognostic implications. In fact, the excellent clinical, laboratory and hemodynamic response to therapy confirmed the hypothesis of a case of drug-associated PAH (DPAH) in a patient with diffuse SSc and lung disease. Considering the presence of DPAH, it was deemed necessary to assess acute vasoreactivity during right heart catheterization (RHC). If criteria were met, the clinical scenario may change towards a favorable and sustained clinical and hemodynamic response with oral calcium channel blockers. However, the response to inhaled nitric oxide was negative in our patient and the therapeutic strategy with dual oral combination therapy with tadalafil and ambrisentan was continued. After six-months of therapy the patient significantly improved, from a high to a low risk of one-year mortality.

J. bras. pneumol ; 50(1): e20230232, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550511


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the relative frequency of incident cases of interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) in Brazil. Methods: This was a retrospective survey of new cases of ILD in six referral centers between January of 2013 and January of 2020. The diagnosis of ILD followed the criteria suggested by international bodies or was made through multidisciplinary discussion (MDD). The condition was characterized as unclassifiable ILD when there was no specific final diagnosis following MDD or when there was disagreement between clinical, radiological, or histological data. Results: The sample comprised 1,406 patients (mean age = 61 ± 14 years), and 764 (54%) were female. Of the 747 cases exposed to hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP)-related antigens, 327 (44%) had a final diagnosis of HP. A family history of ILD was reported in 8% of cases. HRCT findings were indicative of fibrosis in 74% of cases, including honeycombing, in 21%. Relevant autoantibodies were detected in 33% of cases. Transbronchial biopsy was performed in 23% of patients, and surgical lung biopsy, in 17%. The final diagnoses were: connective tissue disease-associated ILD (in 27%), HP (in 23%), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (in 14%), unclassifiable ILD (in 10%), and sarcoidosis (in 6%). Diagnoses varied significantly among centers (c2 = 312.4; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our findings show that connective tissue disease-associated ILD is the most common ILD in Brazil, followed by HP. These results highlight the need for close collaboration between pulmonologists and rheumatologists, the importance of detailed questioning of patients in regard with potential exposure to antigens, and the need for public health campaigns to stress the importance of avoiding such exposure.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência relativa de casos incidentes de doenças pulmonares intersticiais (DPI) no Brasil. Métodos: Levantamento retrospectivo de casos novos de DPI em seis centros de referência entre janeiro de 2013 e janeiro de 2020. O diagnóstico de DPI seguiu os critérios sugeridos por órgãos internacionais ou foi feito por meio de discussão multidisciplinar (DMD). A condição foi caracterizada como DPI não classificável quando não houve um diagnóstico final específico após a DMD ou houve discordância entre dados clínicos, radiológicos ou histológicos. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 1.406 pacientes (média de idade = 61 ± 14 anos), sendo 764 (54%) do sexo feminino. Dos 747 casos expostos a antígenos para pneumonite de hipersensibilidade (PH), 327 (44%) tiveram diagnóstico final de PH. Houve relato de história familiar de DPI em 8% dos casos. Os achados de TCAR foram indicativos de fibrose em 74% dos casos, incluindo faveolamento, em 21%. Autoanticorpos relevantes foram detectados em 33% dos casos. Biópsia transbrônquica foi realizada em 23% dos pacientes, e biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, em 17%. Os diagnósticos finais foram: DPI associada à doença do tecido conjuntivo (em 27%), PH (em 23%), fibrose pulmonar idiopática (em 14%), DPI não classificável (em 10%) e sarcoidose (em 6%). Os diagnósticos variaram significativamente entre os centros (c2 = 312,4; p < 0,001). Conclusões: Nossos achados mostram que DPI associada à doença do tecido conjuntivo é a DPI mais comum no Brasil, seguida pela PH. Esses resultados destacam a necessidade de uma estreita colaboração entre pneumologistas e reumatologistas, a importância de fazer perguntas detalhadas aos pacientes a respeito da potencial exposição a antígenos e a necessidade de campanhas de saúde pública destinadas a enfatizar a importância de evitar essa exposição.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230189, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550770


Resumo Objetivos Identificar os instrumentos de avaliação de equilíbrio, quedas e risco de quedas utilizados na DPOC, avaliar suas propriedades de medida, qualidade da evidência e utilidade clínica. Método A revisão foi produzida seguindo as orientações PRISMA e COSMIN, registrada no PROSPERO: CRD42021235118. As pesquisas foram realizadas de novembro de 2021 a setembro de 2022 nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science e PEDro. Estudos observacionais transversais e coorte foram incluídos, sem restrição de idioma ou ano de publicação, desde que descreveram instrumentos clínicos de avaliação do equilíbrio, quedas e risco de quedas reportando no mínimo, uma das propriedades de medida: validade, confiabilidade e responsividade. Dois revisores independentemente aplicaram os critérios de elegibilidade, risco de viés pela COSMIN, qualidade da evidência pela abordagem GRADE e a avaliação da utilidade clínica pela Escala de Tyson e Connell. Resultados 9.102 estudos foram selecionados e 21 incluídos na revisão, nove estudos demonstraram propriedades de medida adequadas e suficientes e 12 instrumentos foram identificados, dos quais seis, foram avaliados quanto a qualidade de evidência. Conclusão Revisões sistemáticas de propriedades de medida requerem revisores especializados e habilidade em análise qualitativa. Com grau de recomendação "A", a Berg Balance Scale (BBS) e o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) foram os instrumentos mais indicados na DPOC. Ao acrescentar a avaliação da utilidade clínica ao resultado, o TUG demonstra superioridade ao BBS, demostrando ser uma ótima ferramenta para triar indivíduos que necessitem de uma avaliação minuciosa do equilíbrio, quedas e risco de quedas.

Abstract Objectives to identify balance assessment instruments, issues and risks of issues used in COPD, evaluate their measurement properties, quality of evidence and clinical utility. Method A review was produced following the PRISMA and COSMIN guidelines, registered in PROSPERO: CRD42021235118. Searches were carried out from November 2021 to September 2022 in the PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science and PEDro databases. Cross-sectional and cohort observational studies were included, without restrictions on language or year of publication, as long as they described clinical instruments for assessing balance, falls and risk of falls reporting at least one of the measurement properties: validity, reliability and responsiveness. Two reviewers will independently apply the eligibility criteria, travel risk by COSMIN, quality of evidence by the GRADE approach and assessment of clinical utility by the Tyson and Connell Scale. Results 9,102 studies were selected and 21 included in the review, nine studies demonstrated adequate and sufficient measurement properties and 12 instruments were identified, of which six were evaluated for the quality of evidence. Conclusion Systematic reviews of measurement properties require specialized reviewers and skills in qualitative analysis. With a recommendation GRADE of "A", the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test were the most recommended instruments for COPD. By requiring the evaluation of the clinical utility of the result, the TUG demonstrates superiority to the BBS, proving to be a great tool for judging individuals who need a thorough assessment of balance, falls and risk of falls.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022198, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507425


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the impact of COVID-19 social distancing recommendations on nutritional status, pulmonary function, and morbidity in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Methods: A retrospective cohort study including patients older than six years with a diagnosis of CF was performed. Demographic and clinical data, anthropometric measurements, pulmonary function, days of antibiotic use, and length of hospital stay were recorded. Variables were recorded at three time points relative to the baseline for implementation of social distancing measures: T-1 (14 months before implementation), T0 (baseline), and T1 (14 months after implementation). Delta (Δ) was calculated for each period: Δ1 (pre-pandemic T0-T-1) and Δ2 (pandemic T1-T0). Results: The study included 25 patients, with a mean age of 11.7±4.3 years. The mean forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) was 85.6±23.6%, and body mass index (BMI) was 17.5±3.0 kg/m2. When comparing the two periods (Δ1 and Δ2), there was a significant increase in the FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio (p=0.013) and in the forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of vital capacity (FEF25-75%) (p=0.037) in the pandemic period. There was also a significant reduction (p=0.005) in the use of antibiotics in the pandemic period compared with the pre-pandemic period. The Δ1 and Δ2 values did not differ significantly for BMI, FEV1, or length of hospital stay. Conclusions: COVID-19 social distancing recommendations had a positive impact (decrease) on morbidity (use of antibiotics) and small airway obstruction (FEF25-75%) in patients with CF.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto das recomendações de medidas de distanciamento social por COVID-19 sobre estado nutricional, função pulmonar e morbidade em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC). Métodos: Estudo de coorte, retrospectivo, que incluiu pacientes com diagnóstico de FC e idade superior a seis anos. Foram registrados os dados demográficos, antropométricos, clínicos, de função pulmonar e o total de dias de uso de antibiótico e de hospitalizações. As variáveis foram registradas em três momentos relativos ao início das recomendações de distanciamento social: T-1 (14 meses antes), T0 (início das recomendações) e T1 (14 meses depois). Foram calculados deltas (Δ) para cada um dos períodos: Δ1 (pré-pandemia T0-T-1) e Δ2 (pandemia T1-T0). Resultados: Vinte e cinco pacientes, com média de idade de 11,7±4,3 anos, sendo 76% homozigotos para Δf508 e 28% colonizados por Pseudomonas aeruginosa, foram incluídos. A média do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1) foi de 85,6±23,6 (% do previsto) e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) foi de 17,5±3,0 kg/m2. Ao compararmos os períodos (Δ1 e Δ2), houve aumento significativo do VEF1/CVF (p=0,013) e do FEF25-75% (p=0,037) no período das recomendações de distanciamento. Também se observou redução significativa (p=0,005) do uso de antibióticos no período da pandemia em comparação ao período anterior a ela. Não houve diferenças significativas nos deltas para o IMC, VEF1 e dias de hospitalização. Conclusões: As recomendações de distanciamento social por COVID-19 tiveram impacto positivo (redução) sobre a morbidade (uso de antibióticos) e a obstrução de vias aéreas de menor calibre (FEF25-75%) em pacientes com FC.

Ethiop. Med. j ; 62(1): 3-14, 2024.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1524532


Introduction: Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are diseases of the lung airways and parenchyma. Globally, they are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to characterize the common CRDs, along with their lung function and possible determinants in symptomatic patients attending Bishoftu General Hospital, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sessional study was conducted at the outpatient of Bishoftu Hospital, Ethiopia from June 2019 to March 2020. Consecutive adult patients aged 18 and above with CRDs (≥8 weeks) were recruited. Questionnaires were used to collect data on demographics, symptoms, diagnoses, and putative risk factors. Lung function was measured by spirometry. Result: A total of 170 participants were recruited, the majority 102(60.0%) were female. The mean age was 49 years (SD=16). The most common symptoms were wheezing in the last twelve months 156 (91.8%), cough 138 (81.2%), and severe exertional breathlessness 137 (80.6%). Thirty-nine (22.9%) were either active or passive smokers. Half of the patients (50.3%) were exposed daily to vapors, dust, gases, or fumes and 58 (34.3%) were exposed to biomass smoke. In total, 138 (81.2%) had a positive allergen skin prick test. Chronic bronchitis (49.1%) and asthma (36.1%) were the most common clinical diagnoses. Classification of lung function revealed 23 (15%) normal, 29 (19%) obstructive, 36(23.5%) restrictive and 61(39.9%) mixed patterns. Airflow obstruction was independently associated with increasing age (p<0.05), exertional breathlessness (p<0.001), previous history of asthma (p<0.05), BMI (p<0.05), and doctor-diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (p<0.001) and asthma (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study shows a high burden of abnormal lung function in patients attending clinics because of CRDs symptoms. These findings support the critical need for spirometry services to determine lung abnormality in patients with chronic respiratory symptoms.

Humans , Male , Female
Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 160-165, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006528


@#The precise localization of pulmonary nodules has become an important technical key point in the treatment of pulmonary nodules by thoracoscopic surgery, which is a guarantee for safe margin and avoiding removal of too much normal lung parenchyma. With the development of medical technology and equipment, the methods of locating pulmonary nodules are also becoming less trauma and convenience. There are currently a number of methods applied to the preoperative or intraoperative localization of pulmonary nodules, including preoperative percutaneous puncture localization, preoperative transbronchial localization, intraoperative palpation localization, intraoperative ultrasound localization, and localization according to anatomy. The most appropriate localization method should be selected according to the location of the nodule, available equipment, and surgeon鈥檚 experience. According to the published literatures, we have sorted out a variety of different theories and methods of localization of pulmonary nodules in this article, summarizing their advantages and disadvantages for references.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 135-144, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006525


@#Objective    To systematically evaluate the risk factors for postoperative pulmonary infection in patients with lung cancer (PPILC), and to provide a theoretical reference for clinicians to prevent the occurrence of PPILC. Methods     The databases of CNKI, Wanfang data, VIP, CBM, PubMed, EMbase and The Cochrane Library were searched by computer to collect researches on the risk factors for PPILC. The search period was from 2012 to 2021. Two clinicians independently screened literature and extracted data and assessed studies for risk of bias, cross-checked and agreed. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software. Results     A total of 25 studies were included, including 20 case-control studies, 1 cohort study, and 4 cross-sectional studies, covering 15 129 patients. Twenty case-control studies and 1 cohort study had Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) scores≥6 points, and 4 cross-sectional studies had the Agency for Health Care Quality and Research (AHRQ) scale scores≥6 points. The results of meta-analysis showed that the risk factors for PPILC included: (1) 4 patient's own factors: age≥60 years, male, smoking history, smoking index≥400; (2) 7 preoperative factors: suffering from diabetes, chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced expiratory volume<70%, the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to the predicted value, preoperative airway colonization, non-standard use of prophylactic antibiotics before surgery; (3) 3 intraoperative factors: operation time≥3 h, thoracotomy, the number of resected lobe≥2; (4) 3 postoperative factors: postoperative pain, postoperative mechanical ventilation≥12 h, postoperative invasive operation. Large number of preoperative lymphocyte, intraoperative systematic lymph node dissection, TNM stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and enhanced recovery after surgery were protective factors for PPILC. Conclusion     The current research evidence shows that multiple factors are associated with the risk of PPILC. However, considering the influence of the quality and quantity of the included literature, the results of this study urgently need to be further verified by more high-quality clinical studies.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 99-104, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006517


@#Objective     To investigate the relationship between preoperative mean daily step counts and pulmonary complications after thoracoscopic lobectomy in elderly patients. Methods     From 2018 to 2021, the elderly patients with pulmonary complications after thoracoscopic lobectomy were included. A 1∶1 propensity score matching was performed with patients without pulmonary complications. The clinical data were compared between the two groups. Results    Totally, 100 elderly patients with pulmonary complications were enrolled, including 78 males and 22 females, aged 66.4±4.5 years. And 100 patients without pulmonary complications were matched, including 71 males and 29 females aged 66.2±5.0 years. There was no significant difference in the preoperative data between the two groups (P>0.05). Compared to the patients with pulmonary complications, the ICU stay was shorter (8.1±4.4 h vs. 12.9±7.5 h, P<0.001), the first out-of-bed activity time was earlier (8.8±4.5 h vs. 11.2±6.1 h, P=0.002), and the tube incubation time was shorter (19.3±9.2 h vs. 22.5±9.4 h, P=0.015) in the patients wihout pulmonary complications. There was no statistical difference in other perioperative data between the two groups (P>0.05). The mean daily step counts in the pulmonary complications group were significantly less than that in the non-pulmonary complications group (4 745.5±2 190.9 steps vs. 6 821.1± 2 542.0 steps, P<0.001). The daily step counts showed an upward trend for three consecutive days in the two groups, but the difference was not significant. Conclusion     The decline of preoperative mean daily step counts is related to pulmonary complications after thoracoscopic lobectomy in elderly patients. Recording daily step counts can promote preoperative active exercise training for hospitalized patients.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 85-91, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006515


@#Objective     To explore the correlation between the imaging features of peripheral ground-glass pulmonary nodules and the invasion degree of lung adenocarcinoma, and the high risk factors for infiltrating lung adenocarcinoma under thin-slice CT, which provides some reference for clinicians to plan the surgical methods of pulmonary nodules before operation and to better communicate with patients, and assists in building a clinical predictive model for invasive adenocarcinoma. Methods    Clinical data of the patients with peripheral ground-glass pulmonary nodules (diameter≤3 cm) in thin-slice chest CT in the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from January 2019 to January 2020 were continuously collected. All patients underwent thin-slice CT scan and thoracoscopic surgery in our center. According to the pathological examination results, they were divided into two groups: an adenocarcinoma lesions before infiltration group, and an invasive lung adenocarcinoma group. The thin-slice CT imaging parameters of pulmonary nodules were collected. The nodular diameter, mean CT value, consolidation tumor ratio (CTR), nodular shape, vacuolar sign, bronchial air sign, lobulation sign, burr sign, lesion boundary, pleural depression sign, vascular cluster sign and other clinical data were collected. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to analyze the independent risk factors for the infiltrating lung adenocarcinoma, and to analyze the threshold value and efficacy of each factor for the identification of infiltrating lung adenocarcinoma. Results     Finally 190 patients were enrolled. There were 110 patients in the adenocarcinoma lesions before infiltration group, including 21 males and 89 females with a mean age of 53.57±10.90 years, and 80 patients in the invasive lung adenocarcinoma group, including 31 males and 49 females with a mean age of 56.45±11.30 years. There was a statistical difference in the mean CT value, nodular diameter, CTR, gender, smoking, nodular type, nodular shape, vacuolar sign, lobulation sign, burr sign, lesion boundary, pleural depression sign, vascular cluster sign between the two groups (P<0.05). However, there was no statistical difference between the two groups in age (P=0.081), lesion site (P=0.675), and bronchial air sign (P=0.051). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that nodular diameter, mean CT value, CTR and lobulation sign were independent risk factors for differentiating preinvasive adenocarcinoma from invasive adenocarcinoma. At the same time, the threshold value was calculated by Youden index, indicating that the CTR was 0.45, the nodal diameter was 10.5 mm and the mean CT value was –452 Hu. Conclusion     In the peripheral ground-glass pulmonary nodules, according to the patient's CT imaging features, such as mixed ground-glass nodules, irregular shapes, vacuoles, short burrs, clear boundaries, pleural indentations, and vascular clusters, have a certain reference value in the discrimination of the invasion degree of ground-glass pulmonary nodules. At the same time, it is found in this research that peripheral ground-glass pulmonary nodules with diameter greater than 10.5 mm, CT value greater than –452 Hu, CTR greater than 0.45 and lobulation sign are more likely to be infiltrating lung adenocarcinoma.